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Why do we need a Game Plan?

Just like in a typical game whether it is a ball game, mind game or even in a traditional game, we create game plan. We follow set of instructions in order for us to win the game. We strategize and we observe what we can do and create an appropriate plan for the given situation. Same goes as to being an entrepreneur, we plan to undoubtedly bear fruit. We don’t want to do something at the drop of a hat. It`s like going into the war without any weapon. Game plan is very important for us because they turn our mission and vision into a specific measurable target. One of our greatest weapons against uncertainty is our game plan. It shows us the picture of what we are right now in contrast to what we planned to be.

So this coming Wednesday, August 2,2017 our general assembly will be held. All ESS members will gather and all ESS Game Plan will be revealed. How exciting! Right? Since this is the first event of ESS this school year everyone will get briefed about the upcoming events and all. So, that`s it? that`s the game plan? Absolutely! You hit the nail on the head! ESS Game Plan consists of different events, activities and great opportunities that would contribute to ESS growth and development. This game plan establishes not just good relationship and strong connection but also boost boldness of the ESS members. It serves as a molding ground for us the ESS members to reach success that brings personal, social and intellectual growth as well.

Furthermore, there`s a big surprise; ESS will be putting up another business, but this time business with a twist! You want to know what’s the twist? Hmm, the details will be talked over the general assembly. Kidding aside, just prepare your ears to hear a lot of ground breaking business ideas from entrepreneurship students, might as well think yours, too! This idea came from the mind of our livelihood committee head and I think this is the best thing since sliced bread. Since “Boss is our name and Entrepreneurship is our game!” we are starting now to make our name we are at the first step of our game plan. Let`s move forward to success! Win this game, ESS!

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